Sunday, October 20, 2013

War of 1812?

Sunday Night Football! Peyton Manning, former Indianapolis Colt and present day quarter back of the Denver Broncos will return home to Indy to face his replacement, Andrew Luck.  The second war of 1812, reflecting the jersey numbers of the two quarterbacks (Manning #18, Luck #12), should be quite a show as both power-horse teams have proven that they can score some points.   So will the Broncos continue their scoring roll and light up the Indy D-fence or will the Colts win with Luck.

*Reader or Readers: Horse lovers are stable people...


  1. It looked like Andrew Luck and the Colts were running away with the victory, but it turned out to be a great game as Manning tried to lead a comeback and fell just short in the 39-33 Colts victory.

  2. What I don't understand about the game, is why Donald Brown carried the bulk amount of carries for Indy...

  3. Yea, I agree....They haven't used Trent Richardson to the best of there ability. Now they have Reggie Wayne hurt so the other recievers are going to have to step up. I guess we will see how good Luck really his without his safety net in Wayne.

  4. i have to say i was pulling for the broncos the whole way. Usually i am the guy cheering for the underdog and would have wanted to cheer for the colts, but Jim Ursays comments about Manning and the lack of superbowl wins really bothered me. I understand that he is disappointed that they only won one ring, but to pretty much say it was all mannings fault... REDICULIOUS!!!! Does he understand how hard it is to win in the NFL, forget winning a superbowl, just winning a game. After hearing those comments i was kinda hoping that the broncos would have lit up the score board and completely embarrassed the colts lol is that wrong

  5. Obviously, it wasn't Manning;s fault for having only one ring. Isn't the meaning of "Defense wins champions" that defenses are very impactful to the end result of the game. The Colts defense over the years has not alwaysbeen the best, and during most of the games the Colts won mainly from Mannings arm.

  6. This could be a rematch game in the playoffs to go to the super bowl and if it is I'm hoping for another Colts win!!!

  7. I don't know the Colts looked pathetic against the Rams on Sunday, their still going to win their division but Super Bowl is tough to say right now
