Monday, December 2, 2013

My Train of Thought Has Been Delayed!

Well, guess what?  I forgot to blog the last two weeks, but good news is to come.  My mind made it back safely from the traveling of Thanksgiving.  I travel three hours for dinner, that's completely worth it, then travel all the way back for more food.  You have to be so thankful for the many things in your life even if they don't always seem the greatest.  One thing, I'm am grateful for outside of family, friends, and food is certainly technology.  Could imagine the world without a microwave? Computer? Or even a TV?  We use technology everyday, and most of us don't appreciate it.  So after reading this blog, I want you to find the nearest piece of technology and give it a big hug, because honestly you have a lot to thank technology for.  Including this blog.


*Reader or Readers: I often quote myself. It adds spice to my conversation...

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