Thursday, September 26, 2013

Creation of My Blog? Has A Reason.


My name is Dustyn David, a sophomore student at Slippery Rock University.  I'm currently studying sports management, which brings me to the reason for this blog.  I have been asked to create a blog in order to communicate with my fellow classmates: a term also called "networking."  While completing the course: Sport Communication and Technology, I am required to commment or post about anything related to sports technology.  This is also away for my classmates and I to collaborate about the lastest technology and how its used.
Introduction to Myself:
I grew up playing sports, which ultimately drove me to love all aspects of sports.  I am from West Middlesex; a very small town in western PA.  My ultimate goal in sport is to become a professional sports marketer, though my dream job would consist of any position with the Pittsburgh Steelers.  
   Slippery Rock University


  1. Dustyn, i really enjoyed your witty post, it gave me a little giggle.

  2. Hey Dustyn! Nice blog... That's cool that you want to work for the Steelers, good luck!

  3. Dustyn, you forgot to mention CANADA!!!!! we always have to talk about Canada!!!! Plus maybe you should submit your job application now for the Steelers and fix there ways. Have fun, not to much fun thou.
